Under Section 8501 of Title VIII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA), private, nonprofit elementary and secondary school students, teachers, and other educational personnel are eligible to participate in federally-funded programs as authorized under the Act. Each school division is obligated to inform officials of private schools located within the division's boundary, that private, nonprofit elementary and secondary schools are eligible to participate on an equitable basis. The Equitable Services Conference will provide technical assistance to school divisions and private schools regarding requirements for local educational agencies (LEAs) and private school principals and administrators on how to best engage in equitable services so that all requirements under Title VIII are met. New non-regulatory guidance has been released and this conference allows both public and private schools to learn about the updates and how they impact the provision of equitable services.
Join us for the Plenary session on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA): Equitable Services for Eligible Private School Children, Teachers, and Other Educational Personnel. This session is designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of the equitable services requirements under Title I, Part A and Title VIII, Part F of the ESEA. You will hear from expert presenters, including staff from the Department's Office of Non-Public Education and Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, who will share their insights and expertise. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about how you can help ensure that all students receive the education they deserve.
This session is designed to assist Title I coordinators with the steps for working with private schools. Discussion will include identifying private schools that serve students in Title I attendance zones, consultation with private school officials, identifying the needs of students, and services and resources that can be provided. School divisions will also learn how serving private schools under Title I is different from other federal programs.
This session will focus on best practices around effective fiscal practices related to managing private school set-asides. Topics will include Agreement of Services, procuring goods and services, inventory lists, and close out. This session will also discuss a school division's effort regarding meaningful consultation and fulfilling equitable services obligations. In the event obligations are not fully expended, a school division must request for release from equitable services obligations before being allowed to transfer the remaining value of services back into the program. Topics will include how to access the form, when the form should be completed, and the process of returning funds to the division and redistribution of unused funds.
This session is designed for new coordinators or anyone who needs a refresher on the basic requirements of Equitable Services, to include identifying boundaries for services, initial consultation, timeframes and the documentation to support best practice along with fiscal considerations. Bring your questions and share your successes in working with private schools.
If you are interested in learning more about the upcoming changes in equitable services bypass, you should definitely attend this informative session. Led by presenters from the Department’s Office of Non-Public Education and Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, this session will provide you with all the relevant details you need to know about the removal of 14 divisions from equitable services bypass for the 2025-2026 award year and beyond. This session is especially important for divisions currently operating under bypass, as they will be working with the ombudsman and the Title I, Part A team to develop plans for the upcoming changes. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay informed and be prepared for the changes ahead. We highly recommend attending this session to get all your questions answered and ensure your division is ready for the upcoming changes.
Click the "join" button below or use this link: https://events.gcc.teams.microsoft.com/event/ece1a1f9-5fff-47b6-96a9-95be5ecc90b8@620ae5a9-4ec1-4fa0-8641-5d9f386c7309
In this highly informative lunchtime keynote, school divisions and private schools will gain invaluable insights into the timeline and process for carryover funds and the release of obligations.
Are you a Federal Programming expert looking to connect with like-minded individuals? If so, you won't want to miss our upcoming networking session! Join us as we review real-world scenarios and determine best practices for collaborating on federal funds and private schools. Your expertise and insights are invaluable to this discussion, so mark your calendar and register today!
Participants will learn about the importance of using evidence-based interventions that are based on their organization’s needs assessment. They will be introduced to an online resource (WWC) for looking up evidence-based interventions, and will be given an opportunity to practice reviewing the evidence base on interventions.
Fourteen school districts in Virginia previously participated in the bypass provision, a program where the U.S. Department of Education provided Title I, Part A, equitable services directly to private school students and teachers via a third-party provider. However, this program is now coming to an end. In this session, members of the Virginia Department of Education will assist these districts in managing the upcoming changes resulting from the end of the bypass provision.
Participants will learn about the importance of using evidence-based interventions that are based on their organization’s needs assessment. They will be introduced to an online resource (WWC) for looking up evidence-based interventions, and will be given an opportunity to practice reviewing the evidence base on interventions.
This session will focus on best practices around effective fiscal practices related to managing private school set-asides. Topics will include Agreement of Services, procuring goods and services, inventory lists, and close out. This session will also discuss a school division's effort regarding meaningful consultation and fulfilling equitable services obligations. In the event obligations are not fully expended, a school division must request for release from equitable services obligations before being allowed to transfer the remaining value of services back into the program. Topics will include how to access the form, when the form should be completed, and the process of returning funds to the division and redistribution of unused funds.
Fourteen school districts in Virginia previously participated in the bypass provision, a program where the U.S. Department of Education provided Title I, Part A, equitable services directly to private school students and teachers via a third-party provider. However, this program is now coming to an end. In this session, members of the Virginia Department of Education will assist these districts in managing the upcoming changes resulting from the end of the bypass provision.
This session is designed for new coordinators or anyone who needs a refresher on the basic requirements of Equitable Services, to include identifying boundaries for services, initial consultation, timeframes and the documentation to support best practice along with fiscal considerations. Bring your questions and share your successes in working with private schools.
This session is designed to assist Title I coordinators with the steps for working with private schools. Discussion will include identifying private schools that serve students in Title I attendance zones, consultation with private school officials, identifying the needs of students, and services and resources that can be provided. School divisions will also learn how serving private schools under Title I is different from other federal programs.
Are you a Federal Programming expert looking to connect with like-minded individuals? If so, you won't want to miss our upcoming networking session! Join us as we review real-world scenarios and determine best practices for collaborating on federal funds and private schools. Your expertise and insights are invaluable to this discussion, so mark your calendar and register today!
This session is designed to assist Title I coordinators with the steps for working with private schools. Discussion will include identifying private schools that serve students in Title I attendance zones, consultation with private school officials, identifying the needs of students, and services and resources that can be provided. School divisions will also learn how serving private schools under Title I is different from other federal programs.